Sunday, February 10, 2008

Director11 - IT'S BAAAAaaaaCK!

Just when you thought it was safe to transfer your Director skills to Flash, or Authorwwwww....wait...nope...that one's gone too. Or is it?

Adobe DirectorMX2004 was the last edition to be released.

MagicGate Software has kicked up its Director Podcast and its really quite good. They also have a release announcement countdown. Currently at 8day, 16hours, 38minutes, and 13seconds as I write this. They believe Adobe is set to announce the upcoming release at the Game Developers Conference.
File this under things that make you go HHHHhhmmmm. So, would it be presumptuous of me to say that perhaps Director11 has shifted into the Game Development Tool space??? And could this be exactly what the Serious Games industry needs to get kickstarted into the big time?

I used Director for a few years and LOVED IT! I know the KIOSK development community finds it an indispensable development tool. The community is alive and thriving and waiting patiently for this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

visit my blog to download the first game made with Adobe Director 11: