Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Forrester Research: Social Computing Reshapes eLearning

Forrester has done some great research in the Learning2.0 space, but I don't think they call it that.  I don't think I will pay the $250 for the full doc, but I love the title and I'm happy to see that people are taking notice.  Word is spreading slowly but surely and hopefully the days of converting ppts to Flash and calling it effective learning will soon be behind us.


Harold Jarche said...

Seems to me that they're just jumping on the bandwagon. I find $250 quite expensive for 13 pages of stuff that I'm sure I already have. I also would disagree with their statement that universities are leading the way, as I haven't seen that much innovation from the same folks who keep spending huge amounts on the likes of Blackboard. Perhaps university students are leading the way in incorporating social computing tools.

I agree with not buying this report; save your money and let others waste theirs. You, I and other bloggers have already given away more information about "social computing elearning" than these folks are selling.

bschlenker said...

I totally agree with you. But the reality is that Forrester is a respected group that has many buyers and readers. If sr. managers, and CEOs are reading this stuff by spending $250, then I say, good enough. At least THAT audience will get the info, because they aren't reading our blogs...I'm fairly certain of that.
I simply want the basic concepts to spread. I think many people will buy and be reading about it for the first time.

Loretta Donovan said...

I'm with Harold . . . on several points. The higher ed folks at Sloan-c (mostly faculty) aren't spending much time thinking about web2.0 but there are articles in the Educause publications (positioned for senior administrators and IT) which have been on the leading edge of considering the implications of blogs, wikis, gaming, IM, etc. for a while. I don't see much in the way of translating this into consistent practices related to learning. This is one of the projects I'm working on for a major university.