Monday, June 04, 2007

Virtual Worlds - Being - The new resume

I have a folder in my feed reader titles mmoenvironments and it contains a few great blogs and resources on virtual worlds, gaming, etc. The problem for me is that I sometimes neglect that folder. While sitting at the airport I had some time, and I remembered to check it out...SCORE!
First post I read is from Terra Nova titled Will We Ever See this on a Resume?
So cool! This is what credentials SHOULD look like in the future.
But let's recall this scene first: Its the classic hollywood scene with the recent college grad sitting in a chair being drilled by an HR rep, "Yea, you have a very pretty resume, and you went to a good school, and you have good grades, you have ANY experience?" And the classic reponse, "how am I supposed to get any experience if nobody gives me a chance?!"

Enter the virtual worlds/games of the future. If I want to become an investment banker, I simply go that virtual world where I play the role of an investment banker. Who knows maybe the simulation is even connected to real world data...Oooohh...that would be sweet!
The point is that you are given the chance to BE an investment banker and over time you actually BECOME an investment banker. You even begin to believe that you ARE an investment banker before you ever even hit the streets looking for that first job. Heck, you may even BE an investment banker before you get into the 6th grade.
I'm just sayin'!

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