My kids wanted to enter the contest this year, so they decorated a big wagon...that's "Emma" the new Landseer from the dog rescue. She's huge and slobbers a lot, but what a great dog! And they WON! Best Wagon. So proud.
So the day continues and I'm listening to the radio only to hear about a 2 year old near drowning last night who later died this morning, and another child drowning DOA this morning. So sad...and so frustrating.
If you are going to a lake, or bbq-ing around a pool, PLEASE keep an eye on your kids! If you don't have kids, watch someone else's for a while if you notice the parents slacking off a bit. Not sure what you should do? Then start here:
Safer 3 Educational Material Order Form
And I'll shamelessly plug my daughter Emma who will gladly come and speak about Drowning Prevention to your pre-K, K, 1st, or 2nd grade class, boy scouts, or girl scouts, or any other organization with kids.
Brent, Thanks for the reminder of how important drowning prevention programs are. Your daughter should be an inspiration to all of us in the safety education community.
Drowning Prevention Programs: Are You Doing Your Part?
Hi John! Thanks for the kind words. I'm very proud of her. We did not know about your site fireeducator.com until now. What a great resource!
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