Normally this wouldn't be such a big deal but this IS a big deal because I hate this topic the most. Its not that I don't like to measure and assess eLearning, I'm just bored with the conversation. Sorry, but we are still talking about the best way to do multiple choice tests in an LMS most of the time. I'd just rather not. But I digress.
I LOVE visuals and Frank has some great ones. I love this one!
Mapping the Types of Objectives with the Types of Assessment.
The last page also has some great examples which I love to see as well.
As soon as my next Corporate eLearning project rolls around again I'm definitely coming back here to help make some quick decisions.
If you want to learn more, you can meet Frank in person at the
DevLearn 2008 Conference & Expo - November 11-14 - San Jose, CA
Yes, Frank totally rocks!
I would argue that an Immersive Learning Simulation (ILS) could effectively measure the mastery of all of these elements.
And those elements are very Information Mapping-y, are they not?
Weird. I was thinking about this at around the same time - see my post from 28 May. My frustration levels are mounting, too!
I am increasingly convinced that valid assessments can't be automated - they have to be conducted by a person with skin on.
I have Harold Jarche to thank for pointing me in the direction of this post via Twitter.
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