2 Weeks of Blog Posts
This week was interesting. I read another post about the death of the LMS and it inspired me to write "The LMS is Evolving...Not Dying!". And a conversation with a friend inspired Thursday's post "To "e", or not to "e", that is the eLearning Question."And since I forgot to do a Weekly Review last week, I'll mention that this blog celebrated 9 Years of posts on the 23rd. Going into it's 10th year I hope to use it as an anchor for work. While I enjoy social networks like twitter, linkedin, G+ and others, there's just something special about having your own space carved out on the internet.
And of course there was the post congratulating The eLearning Guild on the upcoming 10th DevLearn. If you want to read more check out the post here.
Conference Season is Coming!
And as the summer comes to an end, I find myself preparing presentations for the fall conference season. I have not created a completely new presentation in several years, but look forward to delivering all new material in the coming months. I look forward to seeing new and old faces alike from around the globe.Tools
This week on the tool side of things I found out that Twitter has made its reports freely available. Check out Analytics.twitter.com.I haven't used SoundCloud in a long time so I decided to record one of my blog posts and embed the SoundCloud player in a post here. Check it out. Do you like listening to blog posts?

Also, for #lrnchat this week I tried launching a G+Hangout called #lrnchat Live. And while, it only had 6 viewers during lrnchat I did learn a lot. And had enough interest afterwards to keep me excited about going at it again next Thursday.
But my tweet asking "Can we use improv in Corporate Training?" scored even higher which surprised me. I have some ideas around this topic and will be collaborating with some friends to see what this might look like. Stay tuned.
And in the spirit of the Emmy Awards, this weeks Twemmy Award goes to @Dave_Ferguson for this brilliant twitter retort to one of my blog post quotes.
Lots of great conversations this week with so many of you. Thanks to everyone who reaches out to say hi. I love hearing about all the cool projects you're working on. So much so, that I've got some ideas for holding Hangout "office hours" so people can just drop in and chat about Corporate Training, eLearning, or whatever else is on your mind.
Have a safe and fun Holiday weekend!
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