I want to know who is doing stuff for the iPhone. You don't need to share details here just contact me somehow. You don't even need to say WHAT you are doing, I simply want to gauge interest so I know what's on the horizon. Are you creating a front end for the iPhone that supports your LMS? Are purchasing hundreds of iPhones or iTouch's as part of an enterprise training strategy? That would be so cool!
Is anyone creating a QR code reader with the new SDK? I hope so!
Hey Brent - It's definitely on my radar. I think I'm going to get the 3G iPhone a month or two after it comes out, and I'm sure I'll be tinkering with the SDK shortly thereafter. Keep us updated if you do anything along these lines...
We have been developing content for the iPod and the move to the iPhone is a given for us. But we have typically focused on software simulations for those devices, including the use of Second Life video footage for scenarios, etc.
We have a new opportunity to create a comprehensive suite of hospitality specific soft skills training now and want to take advantage of the iPhone's larger resolution (and ppi). This training will also use Second Life as the "inexpensive" alternative to real video.
We have not yet checked out the feasability of something like Comverse to bring "live" Second Life interactivity to the iPhone, but it is certainly something we will investigate soon.
This would open up some of our past efforts that included bot guided tutorials and notecards within Second Life, just not sure how a notecard would be displayed, but the use of chat from the scripted bots would be legible.
I'll not divulge too much, but we are currently working on iPhone/ iPod touch applications to go with our line of voice based mobile applications for language learning.
New rapid e-learning publishing system launched on the Apple iPhone. Check out the press release at www.mohive.com
European rapid e-learning publishing system was launched on the new iphone yesterday at their user conference. check it out at www.mohive.com
I will be springing for the 3G iPhone as well and mos def thinking about apps. Of course, my 13 y.o. nephew is already thinking of cool apps to try out as well, so I may collaborate with him...of course everything he knows, he didn't learn in school ;-)
Also, I plan on throwing my blackberry off a tall bridge!!!
The idea of creating learning content on iPhone spounds very exciting. Can anyone suggest the actual revenue potential. Ideas on how to structure the commercial prosition so that it is a viable and attractive model for learners/ corporates as well as learning firms. Of say x million devices how many are in the hands of executives through employer purchases? If we know this than we can devise a B2B package...we can also have association with Apple incase some thing really exciting happens....
I have been using my iPod touch for elearning for little while and although you have to jailbreak it in order for it to be useful. The Touchpad Pro program is quite useful for controling (or even seeing) a computer screen remotely. It works well as long as you have an IP address. I have used it to present as well as control student machines for our online school: eDCSD: Douglas County Online Education
We're currently porting our mobile learning widget designed for RIM Blackberries to the iPhone platform. Creating a working web-based proof of concept was fairly easy and helped us flesh out all the design issues fairly quickly but development has largely been a from the foundation up effort given iPhone's Objective C-based IDE can't leverage any of our Java-based code -- the existing application logic works fine but the widget code is new line for line.
If all goes as planned, the whole effort will only take 3-4 more weeks to complete to support the iPhone and when delivered, will allow enterprise accounts to access our mobile LMS/portal from either a BB or iPhone with near-equal functionality!
We are developing SCORM eLearning modules which work well over edge, 3g, or WiFi. The courses have an attractive, easily changable interface and color scheme. They also take advantage of Apple's reference movie technology to
deliver higher bandwidth content when the user is connected via WiFi. We are using our set up for our own course development now, but we plan to publish a development application soon that we will market. www.leftbrainmedia.com.
Hey Robert,
This is very late....but excitement cannot stop me asking this to you....Have you implemented teh content and LMS system for iphone and Blackberry's ?
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