Friday, March 31, 2006

Learning2.0 Research

Thanks Brian for the summary of Forrester research.  

The summary of the report:

The convergence of learning and work launches a new era for supporting the needs
of workers to learn while they work. While eLearning courses and classroom
instruction will always have their place, today's workers often don't have the
time to take formal courses composed of many lessons. Instead, these workers
need on-the-spot training available in the many personalized tools and resources
they interact with to reach peak job performance. Meeting this need prompted two
large enterprises, IBM and Nike, to make learning contextual — delivering
learning in bite-size pieces and integrating it into the work environment while
minimizing work disruption. While each took different contextual learning
approaches, both boosted worker performance.

This is my favorite part… “delivering learning in bite-size pieces”.  Sounds like MicroLearning to me. Or as Elliott Masie defines nano-learning.

1 comment:

Prof Kelly said...

I have often speculated that "learning bites" would be most useful when delievered via cell phone or PDA to the professional in the field. Imagine the salesperson who reviews the components of a good sales presentation on his or her cell phone in the taxi or train on the way to a meeting with a client. I have also wondered why corporations have not done more exploration of a tool such as SONY's PSP to deliver mobile training.