Tuesday, December 14, 2010

LinkedIn profile as printable resumé

I was wondering when this was going to happen. Do they let you upload a video yet? I suppose you can just post something to YouTube and then post a link on your linkedin profile. But I really think richer media content is going to be the new distinguishing factor for candidates.

And all you resume, job-getting experts, that tell me NO because people will judge you, and bla, bla, bla...well...let's just say I'm sad for your clients. The people out there getting the BEST jobs are the ones willing to be who they are and that includes their weakness as well as their strengths. BTW - what hiring manager these days CAN'T read through the b.s. of turning a weakness into a strength? Are you kidding me? A weakness is a weakness... OWN IT!

But I digress...

Printing from LinkedIn surely is a step in the right direction.

Amplify’d from www.labnol.org

Turn your LinkedIn Profile into a Printable Resume

linkedin resume

The team at LinkedIn Labs has released a new online tool called Resume Builder that, as the name suggests, will turn your LinkedIn Profile into an impressive-looking resume.

All you need to do is log in with your LinkedIn account and authorize the app to access your data – it then fetches your entire profile information that you’ve shared on Linked and turns it into a neat and printable PDF.

If you are not happy with the default layout of your resume, don’t worry as there are about a dozen elegant templates to choose from. Once ready, you can either download the generated resume as a PDF file or just continue hosting it on the LinkedIn site.

LinkedIn profiles support the Markdown Syntax so you may easily insert bulleted lists, hyperlinks, change font sizes, etc. in your resume with the help of some simple markup. For instance, adding an asterisk symbol before some text will transform it into a list item while hash signs will translate text lines into headings like H1, H2, etc.

Read more at www.labnol.org

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