Monday, February 05, 2007

Where Org Development and Learning Development Collide

My good friend and favorite Organizational Development (OD) guru, Keith Carnes has started blogging again at Random Moments of Consciousness .
(He's a big Colts fan and so I was cheering for the Colts with him this weekend.)
As well as being an amazingly knowledgable OD/HR guy, he is also my favorite alpha geek. He got me started with World of Warcraft and still helps me level up. He also is a recent Mac convert and I've enjoyed watching that process. Read this recent post.

We started doing a tech podcast last year which was a great learning experience....learning how incredibly difficult it is to be really, REALLY, good at it. (Please, Keith, don't link to those ;-)

One thing I did learn is that Keith actually IS very good at it (podcasting) and so I'm trying to figure out how we can start another one. This time I'm thinking about focusing on our main areas of career interest: OD, and Learning. I do believe there is a significant overlap, especially in this Web2.0 world, and it would make for some great discussion.


Terrence Seamon said...

Hi Brent,
I was just at Keith's blog. And I mistakenly called him Ken in my comment. (Sorry, Keith)

I'd like to learn about doing podcasts from you guys. How can we do that?

I am also an OD & Learning guy with an interest in using technology to advance the organization.



bschlenker said...

Hi Terry!
Glad to see others are in this space.
Let's connect outside the bloggosphere and see what we can do.
I'll set up our first podcast in TalkShoe and post the info to my blog. You can join us and we can all just start talkin' ;-)