Monday, November 06, 2006

Blogging Issues...Blogger is making me want WordPress

Since I'm doing my first conference without a laptop, I've been trying to blog w/images via my Treo650 and Flickr. For some reason blogger is not getting the posts and its driving me nuts.

So, I'm jumping on a hallway computer as often as I can to post my thoughts. I will gather key learnings towards the end of the show.

My sessions went great today. At least they felt good too me ;-) If you are reading this, attended, and think otherwise, please let me know. Or if you enjoyed it I would love to hear that as well.

Now...i wonder if elearndev is available on wordpress?


Anonymous said...


I'm a WordPress user and after using both Blogger and MovableType, I'm convinced WordPress is the way to go.

I'll be happy to show you how Flash For Learning can be admined (and you can even automagically import your current Blogger content into it).

Anonymous said...

I would run WordPress on your own server. With the hosted version they don't allow you to embed any rich Flash media into your blog postings.