I stumbled across Owen's Thesis (actually its a request to contribute to his thesis) and blog via a Technorati search on eLearning.
His Thesis is titled Mimi: A Key Tool for ePedagogy.
He has some great thoughts, ideas, and structure around creating a tool that is a combination of a wiki and blog. Before you roll your eyes and say, "hey, there's a ton of people already working on that." I would encourage us, the learning community, to participate and help by adding our thoughts to his thesis.
Why? Because its exactly what this whole new paradigm in learning is all about...remember...it's about the conversation, collaboration, bla, bla, bla.
While much of the content is not new or groundbreaking to me, I do appreciate the effort in structure the content of such a HUGE topic. As one that gives presentations on this stuff throughout the year I am constantly looking for fresh ways to present this swing of the learning development pendulum. The links in his overview and summary section led me too his post titled We Are Teaching Conducers. Very interesting!
Thanks Owen! And good luck with the Thesis!
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