Friday, September 05, 2014

Weekly Review - Sept 1-5 - Repetition, Storytelling, and Fireside Hangout Chat

This week's blog posts were very random.  Not in a bad sense, but in that last-minute-aha-moment sense. It started with some reflections on my book post from last week and realizing I had left out one of my personal favorites, Understanding Comics. So, I felt compelled to blog about it...and more.

And then, I stumbled upon some research, a TED talk, and a blog about repetition in music by Dr. Ellizabeth Margulis. And that reminded me of...and I'm not sure why...the clip of Bobby McFerrin "Playing the Audience" using the pentatonic scale. Join the conversation...

Repetition - The Killer Learning App?
Storytelling - Comics, Journalism, Storytelling, and the Brain

Thursday, as usual, was a busy social media day. There was #chat2lrn in the AM and #lrnchat in the PM. #Chat2lrn discussed #socialleadership with @JulianStodd guest hosting. Julian was a gold mine of great tweets, but here's one that sums it all up nicely...
"The core skills of #socialleadership include 'storytelling', 'collaboration' and 'social capital".
But there were a LOT of little nuggets in that tweet stream.  I'd highly recommend checking out the archive for review. Good stuff.

#lrnChat was great fun this week. @marciamarcia (Marcia Conner) the founder of #lrnchat joined me in a Fireside #lrnchat LIVE via Google hangouts. It was quite an interesting experiment. Marcia and enjoyed the first half of #lrnchat just the two of us until we finally figured out how to get others into the hangout.  Once we figured it out we had at least 8 other #lrnchat-ers join us.  It was great fun! I'm really looking forward to next week now that we've got the kinks worked out.

Friday ended my week with the quarterly Learning Leaders Breakfast in Phoenix organized by @leadgood (Michelle Sterling). 10 training/learning professionals across a variety of companies sharing around a big table. Such great people! It reminds me why I love what I do. And every quarter I walk away feeling re-energized about my chosen career. It's nice to hear that, while slow to change, organizations ARE changing.  And learning professionals are at the core of making that change happen.  I know it doesn't feel like it to many of you.  But the conversations I've had over the last few months were NOT the same conversations we were having 10 years ago.  This is good news!

Have a great weekend!

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